Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Season 2

Officially it's spring. The sound of sniffles, sneezes and prolonged snoring will soon be replaced by more musical notes. Swishing trees and twittering birds and suchlike ( though of course, it is no longer necessary for one to be a birdie to twitter) Yes, spring is on the move and let us hope that the wool has not reached uptil our eyes.

Winter has been a slow time. The library clock, in fact,gave up waiting for it to pull up at 8:40 one day. Several other clocks also decided to call it a life . The one in my room however insists on being the maverick of the Clock Kingdom and keeps ticking to glory, smug faced. Stupid thing should join Enid Blyton's crew. No music, the bellow of an alarm, even if 'tis spring.

Speaking of spring, one's conscience might hesitantly try to put in a word about spring cleaning. That is a wonderful thought and a very pertinent one too, especially since it is only by using the most sophisticated of GIS tools that I could locate my only remaining clean sock's twin. Of course the missing twin had picked up a couple of piercings and quite a tan on its vacation so the other twin denied recognizing it and soon a sad song that K-serials save for dying/rebirth/slapping scenes filled the room.
And then suddenly spring happened and well, it was Season 2. Stay where you are, we'll be right back.


  1. Not necessarily. But do amble through the lanes of Roorkee in spring. I believe it is one of the two most beautiful seasons there, the other being autumn (yes, there is one).
    If they're still around, every tree in R comes alive in colours that really light up everything!

  2. Looking forward to the spring-summer collection of tree-wear!

  3. What was that ?? A Sock ?? soaked up in Saas-Bahu saga !!

    You leave me speechless yet again.

    btw, winters + springs = spring semester rocks !

  4. I somehow crack up everytime you post.
    Impressed I was, I am!

  5. Try wearing only one sock. It's quite fun!
